The Overturning of Roe vs. Wade

What if we are the same One Life that beats in the cells of not only the newly conceived foetus in an unwanted pregnancy, but in the heart of the mother and also the hearts of those who vehemently stand as pro-life?

What if we could feel a passionate stand for the sacred in both sides the pro-life vs pro-choice polarisation?

One side standing for the sovereign right of a mother to determine her own path based on her own best alignment and self-connection…

And the other standing for the remembrance that at the deepest level our lives are not our own but are suffused with a divine power that is worth fighting for.

What if we could feel ourselves as the single Life standing up in both of these positions?

Could we feel the fire in the critique from those who are pro-choice that our religious institutions have calcified into dead letter dogma, disconnected from what is truly relevant, loving, and spiritually alive?

Could we feel the fire in the critique from those who are pro-life that that our liberal democracies have forgotten the sacred reality that underlies all things and descended into a ‘me-me-me’ culture based on hyper-individualism.

What happens in our heart if we allow ourselves to feel this as a tug of war between those seeking to defend the sacred relationship of every human being – of every mother – with their own body, against those standing for the divine innocence unconditionally present in every soul?

What if instead of fracturing into warring tribes, we could sense those two fires as the same burning passion to stand for what is felt to be most deeply true for the human soul?

Would we be willing to come together, drop our ideology, and feel the pain underneath both of these screaming voices?

The rage, trauma, terror, and grief that lives in our bodies, and particularly those of women, from the dominating power of patriarchy.

The heartbreak, grief, despair and desperation that lives in our souls from the sense of disconnection and desecration of our connection to source.

And from there, can we request the real truth from each other?

Of how much we are truly standing for what we feel is most sacred, and how much we are exploding with our oldest, most painful resentments.

Of church and state, of men and women, of god and earth, of patriarchy and matriarchy, of innocent and damned.

Polarisation is fuelled by disconnection.

The heart collapses polarisation, bringing polarities into relationship and alchemising the power of our heartbreak, our rage, and our pain into clarity and connection for how we can move forward together.

May we find the courage to come back to the heart, make ourselves available to what is most sacred in the hearts of others, open the one life we all share in, and still stay with what vibrates most powerfully as true within us.


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