Singularity National Cells


Singularity is initiating national cells in multiple nations. These cells are composed of individuals who feel passionate and purposeful about the work of Singularity and feel inspired to develop it in their nation.

Their engagement generally falls into one of three categories:

  1. Being in the consistent practice of the monadic politics Singularity stands for, where they are opening themselves to the One Life at the core of the Earth, all humanity, and all kingdoms of nature. This is the work of going to our core.

  2. Exploring how that Life wants to activate the emergence of the soul of their nation, in addition to its needed areas of healing and evolution, as an expression of the Earth as a single living system. This is more inner work.

  3. Building community with people who will resonate with Singularity’s work in that nation and who might be interested to get involved. This is more connecting work.

  4. Forming a Singularity chapter in their local area, region, or eventually nation that can directly engage with the political issues relevant according to Singularity’s principles. This is more action-oriented work.

On Telegram we have groups for Singularity’s work in a growing number of nations, currently including:

*Get in touch if you’re interested to start a Singularity Cell for your nation.


Germany National Cell

India National Cell

England National Cell

France National Cell

Nigeria National Cell

Italy National Cell

Switzerland National Cell

Finland National Cell

Australia National Cell

USA National Cell